"विकिपिडिया:चबुतरा" के अवतरणसभमे अन्तर

मैथिली विकिपिडियासँ, एक मुक्त विश्वकोश
पङ्क्त्ति ५१४: पङ्क्त्ति ५१४:
* छलफल सुरु केनिहारके रुपमे हमर {{समर्थन}} अछि। — [[User:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">'''तुलसी भगत'''</span>]] <sup>[&nbsp;[[Special:Contribs/Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">योगदान</span>]] &#124; [[User talk:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">वार्ता</span>]]&nbsp;]</sup> ०९:४८, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)
* छलफल सुरु केनिहारके रुपमे हमर {{समर्थन}} अछि। — [[User:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">'''तुलसी भगत'''</span>]] <sup>[&nbsp;[[Special:Contribs/Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">योगदान</span>]] &#124; [[User talk:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">वार्ता</span>]]&nbsp;]</sup> ०९:४८, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)
* हमरो {{समर्थन}} अछि आ ई आवश्यक बुझाए रहल अछि। मुदा एक टा प्रश्न अछि जे ई नीति कहिया सँ लागु होएत।--[[User:Nilamkarn|<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="black">'''Nilam'''</font>]][[User talk:Nilam|<sup><span style="color: red">☡</span></sup>]] ०९:५३, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)
* हमरो {{समर्थन}} अछि आ ई आवश्यक बुझाए रहल अछि। मुदा एक टा प्रश्न अछि जे ई नीति कहिया सँ लागु होएत।--[[User:Nilamkarn|<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="black">'''Nilam'''</font>]][[User talk:Nilam|<sup><span style="color: red">☡</span></sup>]] ०९:५३, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)
** {{re|Nilamkarn}} ई छलफल ७ दिन तक वार्तालापके लेल खुल्ला रहत आ छलफल समाप्त भेलापे स्टेवार्डके सुचित् कएल जाइत। स्टेवार्डद्वारा ई नीति लागु कएल जाइत। हम एही वार्तालापमे समुदायसँग जानकारी साझा करब। धन्यवाद! — [[User:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">'''तुलसी भगत'''</span>]] <sup>[&nbsp;[[Special:Contribs/Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">योगदान</span>]] &#124; [[User talk:Tulsi Bhagat|<span style="color:black">वार्ता</span>]]&nbsp;]</sup> १२:०२, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)

अन्तिम परिवर्तन १२:०३, २९ मई २०२१

नव आगन्तुक सभके स्वागत अछि विकिपिडिया एक एहन माध्यम अछि जे अहाँक विचारके समाज तक पहुँचाबैत अछि आ अहाँक विचारसँ कराबैत अछि । विकिपिडियाद्वारा हम सभ मिथिलाक संस्कृति तथा विज्ञान, कला आर दर्शनक जानकारी विश्वभरि मैथिली पढनिहार आ लिखनिहारधरि पहुँचि सकैत छी । अतः शुद्ध मैथिली जाननिहार आ बुझनिहार सभसँ अनुरोध अछि, जे अहाँ सभक कनिहो समय अछि तँ अपन जानकारीसभ मैथिली विकिपिडियामे राखी । एतय विकिपिडियाक प्रयोक्तासभसँ विकिपिडियासँ सम्बन्धित प्रश्न पुइछ सकैत छी । प्राविधिक विषयमे सेहो एतय प्रश्न पुछ सकैत छी । नवका मत लिखैक लेल परिवर्तन ट्याबमे क्लिक करी, मुदा पहिने निर्देशन सभ पढी ।:
  • ऐहि चबुतरा पृष्ठमे अपन नव सन्देश छोड़ए केर लेल कृपया एतएक क्लिक करब।

  • सहायता
    पहिनुका चबुतरा वार्तासभ

    गैरमुक्त सामग्री प्रयोग सम्बन्धमे

    मैथिली विकिपिडियामे नेपाल सँ सम्बन्धित कोनो भी मिडिया फाइल अपलोड करऽ सँ पूर्व नेपालक प्रतिलिपि अधिकार ऐन २०५९ आ नियमावली २०६१ मे भेल व्यवस्था बुझनाए एकदम आवश्यक अछि। सन् २००७ मे विकिमिडिया फाउण्डेसनक न्यासी समितिद्वारा प्रतिलिपि अधिकार नीति पास कएल गेल छल जहिअनुसार कोनो भी भाषाक विकिपिडियामे गैर मुक्त सामग्री प्रयोग करऽ सँ पूर्व ओ देशक कानूनद्वारा प्रतिलिपि अधिकार सम्बन्धि कानूनी सीमाकें व्याख्या कएल गेल अछि कि नै आ प्रतिलिपि अधिकार सुरक्षित सामग्रीक प्रयोग करवाक कानूनी अधिकार देनए अछि कि नै? ओ देखनाए आवश्यक अछि। सङ्गे यदि ओहन सामग्रीकें संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाक कानूनसँ नै बझल खण्डमे मात्रे विकिपिडियामे प्रयोग कऽ सकवाक व्यवस्था रहल अछि।


    नेपालक प्रतिलिपि अधिकार ऐन, २०५९

    हम ई सम्बन्धमे तुल्सी भगत सँ सलाह केनए छलौं। हमसभ नेपालक प्रतिलिपि अधिकार ऐन, २०५९ अध्ययन केलाक बाद ओहिमे रहल परिच्छेद-४ दफा (१७) आ (१८) मे (नेपाली: 'अनुमति विना प्रतिलिपि अधिकार प्राप्त सामग्री प्रयोग गर्न पाइने अवस्था') व्यवस्था रहल अछि। (ई विषयमे अहाँसभ सेहो एकबेर अध्ययन करि टिप्पणी करब।)


    यदि ऐनमे व्यवस्था अछि तँ नीति बनाब पड़त

    यदि नेपालक प्रतिलिपि अधिकार ऐनमे गैर मुक्त फाइल शैक्षिक प्रयोजनक लेल प्रयोग कएल जा सकवाक व्यवस्था अछि तँ अपनासभकें ई विकिपिडियामे ओहन फाइल प्रयोग करऽ सँ पूर्व २ टा नीति बनाए समुदायद्वारा पास कराबऽ पड़त।

    मैथिली विकिपिडियामे गैरमुक्त सामग्रीक प्रयोग

    हाल नेपाली विकिपिडियामे १०४ टा मिडिया फाइलसभ रहल अछि। अपनासकें ई विकिपिडियामे गैरमुक्त सामग्री सम्बन्धी नीति नै बनला धरि ई विकिपिडियामे नेपाल सँ सम्बन्धित रहल गैर मुक्त मिडिया फाइलसभकें तत्काल मेटेनाए आवश्यक रहल हमर बुझऽमे अबैत अछि। एखनुका स्थिति अनुसारे फाइल अपलोड केनिहार प्रयोगकर्तालगायत विकिमिडिया फाउण्डेसन समेत प्रतिलिपि अधिकार उल्लङ्घन करवाक दोषी ठहर होएत। एहि कारण एहि सँ सम्बन्धित नीति निर्माण भऽ गेलाक पश्चात मात्रे फाइल अपलोड कार्य अगाडी बढेनाए आवश्यक अछि। ई प्रस्तावमे शीघ्रातिशीघ्र टिप्पणी करवाक लेल सम्पूर्ण प्रयोगकर्तावर्गमे अनुरोध करैत छी। धन्यवाद--Biplab Anand (वार्ता) १४:३१, २९ सितम्बर २०१९ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]


    जानकारी सम्बन्धमे

    सम्पूर्ण मैथिली विकिपिडिया सम्पादक मित्र लोकनिमे, प्रणाम
    हम मैथिली विकिपिडियापर एकटा परियोजना सञ्चालन करबाक नियार कएने छी। ई परियोजना मिथिला क्षेत्रपर आधारित रहत आ एहि परियोजना अन्तर्गत मिथिलासँ सम्बन्धित जेना कि मिथिलाक इतिहास,मिथिलाक शासकसभ,व्यक्तित्व,धरोहर,सभ्यता,संस्कृति,परम्परा,कृषि,जीव-जन्तु लगायत अनेकौँ विषय-वस्तुसभ जे विकिपिडियाक लेल अति आवश्यक अछि, ओकर दस्तावेजीकरण आ सुचिकृत करबाक कार्य प्रारम्भ करबाक इच्छुक छी। आ अपनेसभक समक्ष बहुत जल्दी ई कार्यक रुपरेखा सार्वजनिक करब से जानकारी समेत कराबैत छी। सङ्गे आश केनए छी जे अपने सम्पूर्ण सम्पादक मित्र लोकनि एहि कार्य सम्पादन करबामे सहयोग करब। धन्यवाद- पंकज देव (वार्ता) ११:५६, २० सितम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Mahatma Gandhi edit-a-thon on 2 and 3 October 2020

    Please feel free to translate the message.
    Hope this message finds you well. We want to inform you that CIS-A2K is going to organise a mini edit-a-thon for two days on 2 and 3 October 2020 during Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary. This is not related to a particular project rather participants can contribute to any Wikimedia project (such as Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiquote). The topic of the edit-a-thon is: Mahatma Gandhi and his works and contribution. Please participate in this event. For more information and details please visit the event page here. Thank you. — User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K) Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १७:०९, २८ सितम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    New Beta Feature next week

    कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें.

    The Editing team is working on mw:Talk pages project/replying. The Reply tool is one result of the big mw:Talk pages consultation 2019. Editing is planning to offer the Reply tool to your community as a Beta Feature soon, probably on Wednesday, 14 October. The Reply tool has been used to make more than 25,000 comments at about 20 wikis so far.

    The Editing team is particularly interested in learning how well this works for you, especially if you have trouble typing comments.

    Here's what you need to know:

    If you have questions or concerns about this Beta Feature, please contact me. Whatamidoing (WMF) (वार्ता) १०:१४, १० अक्टुबर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    The Beta Feature is available in Special:Preferences. Whatamidoing (WMF) (वार्ता) २२:२४, १४ अक्टुबर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Regional Call for South Asia - Oct. 30

    Hi everyone. The time has come to put Movement Strategy into work and we need your help. We are inviting South Asian communities, Indian Wikimedians, and anyone else interested to join a region-focused conversation on Movement Strategy and implementation. Please join us on Friday Oct. 30 at 19.30 / 7:30 pm IST (Google Meet).

    The purpose of the meeting is to get prepared for global conversations, to identify priorities for implementation in 2021, and to plan the following steps. There are 10 recommendations and they propose multiple 45 initiatives written over two years by many Wikimedians. It is now up to communities to decide which ones we should work on together in 2021, starting with local and regional conversations. Global meetings will take place later in November when we will discuss global coordination and resources. More information about the global events will be shared soon.

    • What is work you’re already doing that is aligned with Movement Strategy?
    • What are priorities for you in 2021?
    • What are things we should all work on globally?

    We would not be able to grow and diversify as a movement if communities from South Asia are not meaningfully involved in implementing the recommendations. Join the conversation with your questions and ideas, or just come to say hi. See you on Friday October 30.

    A translatable version of this message can be found on Meta.

    MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) २३:०९, १९ अक्टुबर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021

    Please consider translating the message.

    This event does not have a logo yet, you may help to create one.


    Hope this email finds you well. We want to inform you about Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021, an online wiki-event by A2K which is to be conducted from 19 – 21 February 2021 during the occasion of International Mother Language Day. Please see the event page here. also Please subscribe to the event-specific newsletter to get regular news and updates.

    Get involved

    1. Please help in creating a logo for the event.
    2. This event has a "Request for Comments" portal, where we are seeking your opinion on different topics. Please consider sharing your expertise.
    3. We need help to translate a few messages to different Indian languages. Could you help?

    Happy Diwali. --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १८:३१, १४ नवम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    WMWM 2021 Newsletter #1


    You are receiving this notification as you are one of the subscriber of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter. We are sharing with you the first newsletter featuring news, updates and plans related to the event. You can find our first issue here. If you do not want to receive this kind of notification further, you can remove yourself from here.

    Sent through MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:४२, १ दिसम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Festive Season 2020 edit-a-thon on 5-6 December 2020

    Festive Season 2020 edit-a-thon is on 5 – 6 December 2020


    Hope you are doing well. On 5–6 December, A2K will conduct a mini edit-a-thon on the theme Festivals of India. This edit-a-thon is not restricted to a particular project and editors can contribute to any Wikimedia project on the theme. Please have a look at the event page, and please participate. Some tasks have been suggested, please feel free to expand the list.

    Regards. Sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १७:१४, २ दिसम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #2

    The second edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have started a logistics assessment. The objective of the survey is to collect relevant information about the logistics of the Indian Wikimedia community members who are willing to participate in the event. Please spend a few minutes to fill this form.

    There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page. --MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ०७:२५, १७ दिसम्बर २०२० (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Submission Open for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021

    Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it


    We are excited to announce that submission for session proposals has been opened for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021, the upcoming online wiki-event which is to be conducted from 19 – 21 February 2021 during the occasion of International Mother Language Day. The submission will remain open until 24 January 2021.

    You can submit your session proposals here -
    Click here to Submit Your session proposals

    A program team has been formed recently from highly experienced Wikimedia volunteers within and outside India. It is currently under the process of expansion to include more diversity in the team. The team will evaluate the submissions, accept, modify or reject them, design and finalise the program schedule by the end of January 2021. Details about the team will come soon.

    We are sure that you will share some of your most inspiring stories and conduct some really exciting sessions during the event. Best of luck for your submissions!

    On behalf of WMWM India 2021

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #3

    Happy New Year! The third edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened proposals for session submissions. If you want to conduct a session during the event, you can propose it here before 24 Jamuary 2021.

    There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page. -- MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १४:४१, १ जनवरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #4

    Happy New Year! The fourth edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened the registration for participation for this event. If you want to participate in the event, you can register yourself here before 16 February 2021.

    There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page.MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २१:५७, १७ जनवरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    [Small wiki toolkits] Understanding the technical challenges

    Greetings, hope this message finds you all in the best of your health, and you are staying safe amid the ongoing crisis.

    Firstly, to give you context, Small wiki toolkits (SWT) is an initiative to support small wiki communities, to learn and share technical and semi-technical skills to support, maintain, and grow. In India, a series of workshops were conducted last year, and they received good response. They are being continued this year, and the first session is: Understanding the technical challenges of wikis (by Birgit): Brainstorming about technical challenges faced by contributors contributing to language projects related to South Asia. The session is on 24 January 2021, at 18:00 to 19:30 (India time), 18:15 to 19:45 (Nepal time), and 18:30 to 20:00 pm (Bangladesh time).

    You can register yourself by visiting this page! This discussion will be crucial to decide topics for future workshops. Community members are also welcome to suggest topics for future workshops anytime at https://w.wiki/t8Q. If you have any questions, please contact us on the talk page here. MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:२४, १९ जनवरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    [Small wiki toolkits] Upcoming bots workshops: Understanding community needs

    Greetings, as you may be aware that as part of Small wiki toolkits - South Asia, we conduct a workshop every month on technical topics to help small wikis. In February, we are planning on organizing a workshop on the topic of bots. Bots are automated tools that carry out repetitive, tedious and mundane tasks. To help us structure the workshop, we would like understand the needs of the community in this regard. Please let us know any of

    • a) repetitive/mundane tasks that you generally do, especially for maintenance
    • b) tasks you think can be automated on your wiki.

    Please let us your inputs on workshops talk page, before 7 February 2021. You can also let me know your inputs by emailing me or pinging me here in this section. Please note that you do not need to have any programming knowledge for this workshop or to give input. Regards, KCVelaga १९:३०, २८ जनवरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Call for feedback: WMF Community Board seats & Office hours tomorrow

    (sorry for posting in English)

    Dear Wikimedians,

    The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is organizing a call for feedback about community selection processes between February 1 and March 14. Below you will find the problem statement and various ideas from the Board to address it. We are offering multiple channels for questions and feedback. With the help of a team of community facilitators, we are organizing multiple conversations with multiple groups in multiple languages.

    During this call for feedback we publish weekly reports and we draft the final report that will be delivered to the Board. With the help of this report, the Board will approve the next steps to organize the selection of six community seats in the upcoming months. Three of these seats are due for renewal and three are new, recently approved.

    Participate in this call for feedback and help us form a more diverse and better performing Board of Trustees!

    Problems: While the Wikimedia Foundation and the movement have grown about five times in the past ten years, the Board’s structure and processes have remained basically the same. As the Board is designed today, we have a problem of capacity, performance, and lack of representation of the movement’s diversity. This problem was identified in the Board’s 2019 governance review, along with recommendations for how to address it.

    To solve the problem of capacity, we have agreed to increase the Board size to a maximum of 16 trustees (it was 10). Regarding performance and diversity, we have approved criteria to evaluate new Board candidates. What is missing is a process to promote community candidates that represent the diversity of our movement and have the skills and experience to perform well on the Board of a complex global organization.

    Our current processes to select individual volunteer and affiliate seats have some limitations. Direct elections tend to favor candidates from the leading language communities, regardless of how relevant their skills and experience might be in serving as a Board member, or contributing to the ability of the Board to perform its specific responsibilities. It is also a fact that the current processes have favored volunteers from North America and Western Europe. Meanwhile, our movement has grown larger and more complex, our technical and strategic needs have increased, and we have new and more difficult policy challenges around the globe. As well, our Movement Strategy recommendations urge us to increase our diversity and promote perspectives from other regions and other social backgrounds.

    In the upcoming months, we need to renew three community seats and appoint three more community members in the new seats. What process can we all design to promote and choose candidates that represent our movement and are prepared with the experience, skills, and insight to perform as trustees?

    Ideas: The Board has discussed several ideas to overcome the problems mentioned above. Some of these ideas could be taken and combined, and some discarded. Other ideas coming from the call for feedback could be considered as well. The ideas are:

    • Ranked voting system. Complete the move to a single transferable vote system, already used to appoint affiliate-selected seats, which is designed to best capture voters’ preferences.
    • Quotas. Explore the possibility of introducing quotas to ensure certain types of diversity in the Board (details about these quotas to be discussed in this call for feedback).
    • Call for types of skills and experiences. When the Board makes a new call for candidates, they would specify types of skills and experiences especially sought.
    • Vetting of candidates. Potential candidates would be assessed using the Trustee Evaluation Form and would be confirmed or not as eligible candidates.
    • Board-delegated selection committee. The community would nominate candidates that this committee would assess and rank using the Trustee Evaluation Form. This committee would have community elected members and Board appointed members.
    • Community-elected selection committee. The community would directly elect the committee members. The committee would assess and rank candidates using the Trustee Evaluation Form.
    • Election of confirmed candidates. The community would vote for community nominated candidates that have been assessed and ranked using the Trustee Evaluation Form. The Board would appoint the most voted candidates.
    • Direct appointment of confirmed candidates. After the selection committee produces a ranked list of community nominated candidates, the Board would appoint the top-ranked candidates directly.

    Call for feedback: The call for feedback runs from February 1 until the end of March 14. We are looking for a broad representation of opinions. We are interested in the reasoning and the feelings behind your opinions. In a conversation like this one, details are important. We want to support good conversations where everyone can share and learn from others. We want to hear from those who understand Wikimedia governance well and are already active in movement conversations. We also want to hear from people who do not usually contribute to discussions. Especially those who are active in their own roles, topics, languages or regions, but usually not in, say, a call for feedback on Meta.

    You can participate by joining the Telegram chat group, and giving feedback on any of the talk pages on Meta-Wiki. We are welcoming the organisation of conversations in any language and in any channel. If you want us to organize a conversation or a meeting for your wiki project or your affiliate, please write to me. I will also reach out to communities and affiliates to soon have focused group discussions.

    An office hour is also happening tomorrow at 12 pm (UTC) to discuss this topic. Access link will be available 15 minutes before the scheduled time (please watch the office hour page for the link, and I will also share on mailing lists). In case you are not able to make it, please don't worry, there will be more discussions and meetings in the next few weeks.

    Regards, KCVelaga (WMF) २२:१५, १ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Research Needs Assessment for Indian Language Wikimedia (ILW) Projects

    Dear All,

    The Access to Knowledge (A2K) team at CIS has been engaged with work on research on Indian language Wikimedia projects as part of the APG since 2019. This year, following up on our learnings from work so far, we are undertaking a needs assessment exercise to understand a) the awareness about research within Indian language Wikimedia communities, and identify existing projects if any, and b) to gather community inputs on knowledge gaps and priority areas of focus, and the role of research in addressing the same.

    We would therefore request interested community members to respond to the needs assessment questionnaire here:
    Click here to respond

    Please respond in any Indian language as suitable. The deadline for this exercise is February 20, 2021. For any queries do write to us on the CIS-A2K research talk page here MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:५३, ३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    • Hello, thanks to those who have submitted responses to this needs assessment. We want to inform you that the deadline to share your response has been extended till 5 March 2021. Click here to respond.Thanks.

    BhuvanaMeenakshi(CIS-A2K) (वार्ता) १९:१९, २३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #5

    Greetings!! The fifth edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened the registration for participation for this event. If you want to participate in the event, you can register yourself here before 16 February 2021.

    There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page.
    MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:३४, ३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #5

    Greetings!! The fifth edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened the registration for participation for this event. If you want to participate in the event, you can register yourself here before 16 February 2021.

    There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page.
    MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:३८, ३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back!

    कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें

    You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

    You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

    Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.

    Kind regards,

    Wiki loves Folklore International Team

    MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १९:१०, ६ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    मैथिली विकिपिडिया पुनर्ताजगी कार्यक्रम सञ्चालनक सन्दर्भमे

    प्रणाम विकिपिडिया प्रयोगकर्ता मित्र लोकनि,
    मैथिली विकिपीडियामे नव पाठक आ सम्पादकसभ आवागमन कम भेलाक कारण मैथिली विकिपीडियाक स्तरोन्नती नै भरहल अछि। जे सम्पूर्ण मैथिली विकिपीडिया समुदायक लेल एक चिन्ताक विषय बनल अछि, एहि चिन्ताक मद्देनजर करैत मैथिली विकिपीडियामे पाठक आ सम्पादकसभ संख्या अभिवृद्धि करबाक लेल मैथिली विकिपिडिया पुनर्ताजगी कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन करबाक निआर केनए छी। ई कार्यक्रम आयोजनमे सम्पूर्ण सम्पादनकर्ता मित्रसभक सहयोग रहत से आस करैत जल्दी एहि कार्यक्रमक रूप-रेखा सार्वजनिक करब। धन्यवाद - पंकज देव (वार्ता) ०६:१५, १६ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    [Small wiki toolkits] Bot workshop: 27 February

    As part of the Small wiki toolkits (South Asia) initiative, we are happy to announce the second workshop of this year. The workshop will be on "bots", and we will be learning how to perform tasks on wiki by running automated scripts, about Pywikibot and how it can be used to help with repetitive processes and editing, and the Pywikibot community, learning resources and community venues. Please note that you do not need any technical experience to attend the workshop, only some experience contributing to Wikimedia projects is enough.

    Details of the workshop are as follows:

    Please sign-up on the registration page at https://w.wiki/yYg.

    Note: We are providing modest internet stipends to attend the workshops, for those who need and wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. More information on this can be found on the registration page.

    Regards, Small wiki toolkits - South Asia organizers, १५:५६, १८ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)

    महिला जागरण कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धमे

    नमस्ते मैथिल प्रयोगकर्ता लोकनि,
    मैथिली विकिपिडियामे नेपालक महिलासभ सम्बन्धी नव लेख निर्माण आ महिलासभके जागरण करवाक लेल मेटा पर अनुदान प्रस्ताव केनए छी। कृपया अपन मत जाहिर कराल जाए। धन्यवाद--Nilam २०:१३, ४ मार्च २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]


    विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन सामुदायिक समिति सिट: प्रतिक्रियाक लेल बैठक

    विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन न्यासी समितिद्वारा सन् २०२१ फरबरी १ सँ मार्च १ धरि सामुदायिक चयन प्रक्रियासभक सम्बन्धमे प्रतिक्रियाक लेल बैठकक आयोजना करि रहल अछि। विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन आ विकिमिडिया अभियान विगत १० बर्षमे लगभग पाँच गुणासँ वृद्धि भऽ गेल अछि मुदा एकर समिति कऽ संरचना आ प्रक्रियासभ मूल रूपमे पहिने जका अछि। वर्तमान समितिक संरचनामे अप्पनसभक क्षमता, प्रदर्शन, आ अभियानक विविधता अनुसार प्रतिनिधित्व अभाव एकटा समस्याक रूपमे रहल अछि। प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनक कारण अग्रणी भाषा समुदाय कऽ उम्मेदवारसभक पक्ष लैत आएल अछि आओर ओकरसभक सीप आ अनुभवद्वारा समिति सदस्यक रूपमे सेवा देनाए कतेक सान्दर्भिक भऽ सकैत अछि या समितिक विशिष्ट उत्तरदायित्वसभ निर्वाह करवाक क्षमतामे योगदान पहुँचा रहल अछि। तथ्यसभ देखला पर वर्तमान प्रक्रियासभ उत्तर अमेरिका आ पश्चिम युरोपक स्वयंसेवकसभक पक्ष लेनए अछि। वास्तवमे एखन धरि, दक्षिण एसियासँ इतिहासमे एक गोटे सदस्य मात्र समितिमे स्थान बनाबऽमे सफल भऽ सकल अछि।

    आबऽ वला महिनामे हमसभ तीन सामुदायिक सिटसभ नवीकरण करऽ जा रहल छी आ नबका सिटमे तीन टा आओर समुदायिक सदस्यसभ नियुक्त करवाक अछि। ई प्रतिक्रियात्मक बैठकमे हमसभ सभ कियो मिल हमसभ अभियानकेँ कोना प्रतिनिधित्व करवाक अछि आ अनुभव, सीप, आओर विश्वासक साथ अन्तरदृष्टिसहित तयार भेल उम्मेदवारसभ चुनाव करवाक प्रारूप रेखा तयार कऽ सकैत छी? एकर विषयमे प्रस्तावित विचारसभ उपर छलफल करऽ लेल आ हमसभ अप्पन विचारसभ साझा करऽ लेल, प्रतिक्रिया देबऽ कऽ लेल आओर प्रक्रियामे योगदान देबऽकऽ लेल सामुदायिक वार्तालाप केनाए उत्तम होएत अछि। एहि विषयमे वार्तालाप करऽ लेल हमसभ एहि मार्च १३ केँ साँझ ८ बजे सँ ९ बजेधरि बैठक आयोजित भऽ रहल अछि। बैठक कऽ सूत्र निम्नलिखित अछि: https://meet.google.com/ugf-xyyk-ifi

    नेपालसँ सम्बन्धित भाषासभमे योगदान पहुँचा रहल सम्पूर्ण भाषाक विकिपिडियन आ विकिमिडियनकेर ई बैठकमे अप्पन विचार राखऽकऽ लेल स्वागत कएल जाएत अछि। धन्यवाद, --KCVelaga (WMF) (वार्ता) ११:३३, ७ मार्च २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    CIS-A2K Newsletter February 2021

    CIS-A2K has published their newsletter for the month of February 2021. The edition includes details about these topics:

    • Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021
    • Online Meeting with Punjabi Wikimedians
    • Marathi Language Day
    • Wikisource Audiobooks workshop
    • 2021-22 Proposal Needs Assessment
    • CIS-A2K Team changes
    • Research Needs Assessment
    • Gender gap case study
    • International Mother Language Day

    Please read the complete newsletter here.
    If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe this newsletter, click here.

    MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:०९, ८ मार्च २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    WMF Community Board seats: Upcoming panel discussions

    As a result of the first three weeks of the call for feedback on WMF Community Board seats, three topics turned out to be the focus of the discussion. Additionally, a new idea has been introduced by a community member recently: Candidates resources. We would like to pursue these focus topics and the new idea appropriately, discussing them in depth and collecting new ideas and fresh approaches by running four panels in the next week. Every panel includes four members from the movement covering many regions, backgrounds and experiences, along with a trustee of the Board. Every panel will last 45 minutes, followed by a 45-minute open mic discussion, where everyone’s free to ask questions or to contribute to the further development of the panel's topics.

    To counter spamming, the meeting link will be updated on the Meta-Wiki pages and also on the Telegram announcements channel, 15 minutes before the official start.

    Let me know if you have any questions, KCVelaga (WMF), १४:२१, १० मार्च २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    [Small wiki toolkits] Workshop on "Debugging/fixing template errors" - 27 March

    As part of the Small wiki toolkits (South Asia) initiative, we are happy to announce the third workshop of this year. The workshop will be on "Debugging/fixing template errors", and we will learn how to address the common template errors on wikis (related but not limited to importing templates, translating them, Lua, etc.).

    Note: We are providing modest internet stipends to attend the workshops, for those who need and wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. More information on this can be found on the registration page.

    Regards, Small wiki toolkits - South Asia organizers, १२:४६, १६ मार्च २०२१ (+0545)

    विकिपिडिया:विश्वव्यापी आचार संहिता/मैथिली समुदाय परामर्श सारांश

    मैथिली विकिपिडियामे विश्वव्यापी आचार संहिता सम्बन्धी स्थानीय विकी परामर्श सन् २०२१ जनवरी १८ मा सुरु कएल गेल आ अन्त्य सन् २०२१ मार्च ४ मे भेल छल। एहि महत्वपूर्ण वार्तालापमे समुदाय केर सम्पूर्ण सक्रिय तथा एखन निस्क्रिय रहल प्रयोगकर्तासभद्वारा राखल गेल मत, सलाह, विचार तथा सुझावक आधारमे मैथिली समुदाय परामर्श सारांश प्रतिवेदन तैयार करि समुदाय समक्ष प्रस्तुत कऽ रहल छी। प्रतिवेदन केर मैथिली भाषामे अनुवाद कार्य जारी अछि। एहि सम्बन्धमे अहाँसभक महत्वपूर्ण टिप्पणी कऽ अपेक्षा सहित समुदायकेर पुन: धन्यवाद देबऽ चाहैत छी।--BAnand (WMF) (वार्ता) १९:३९, १६ अप्रैल २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    [Small wiki toolkits] Workshop on "Designing responsive main pages" - 30 April (Friday)

    As part of the Small wiki toolkits (South Asia) initiative, we would like to announce the third workshop of this year on “Designing responsive main pages”. The workshop will take place on 30 April (Friday). During this workshop, we will learn to design main pages of a wiki to be responsive. This will allow the pages to be mobile-friendly, by adjusting the width and the height according to various screen sizes. Participants are expected to have a good understanding of Wikitext/markup and optionally basic CSS.

    Details of the workshop are as follows:

    If you are interested, please sign-up on the registration page at https://w.wiki/3CGv.

    Note: We are providing modest internet stipends to attend the workshops, for those who need and wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. More information on this can be found on the registration page.

    Regards, Small wiki toolkits - South Asia organizers, २१:३६, १९ अप्रैल २०२१ (+0545)

    मैथिली विकिपिडियाक लेल शिक्षा संसाधनसभक सन्दर्भमे


    मैथिली विकिपिडियामे नव पाठक आ सम्पादकसभ आवागमनमे सहजताक लेल शिक्षा संसाधनसभक कमी महसुस केलौ। एहि समस्याक ध्यानमे राखैत हम मैथिली विकिपिडियाक लेल शिक्षा संसाधनसभ जोड्वाक प्रयास केनए छी। ई प्रस्ताव आयोजनमे सम्पूर्ण सम्पादनकर्ता मित्रसभक सहयोग रहत से आस राखनए छी।

    धन्यवाद!तुलसी भगत योगदान | वार्ता ] २३:०९, १९ अप्रैल २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]


    विकी शैक्षिक कार्यक्रम-काठमाडौं अनुदान प्रस्ताव

    सम्पूर्ण मैथिली विकिपिडियन्स प्रयोगकर्तावर्ग,

    मैथिली विकिपिडियाप्रति विद्यार्थीसभक ध्यानाकर्षण करवाक अभिप्राय सँ हम काठमाडौंक शैक्षिक संस्थामे विकिपिडिया शैक्षिक कार्यक्रम आरम्भ करवाक लेल ई अनुदान प्रस्ताव पेश केनए छी। कृपया ई अभियानमे अपन सहभागिताक सङ्गे अपन मत राखी। धन्यवाद--Bijay chaurasia (वार्ता) १८:३३, २१ अप्रैल २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]


    • धन्यवाद विजय चौरसिया जी, विकिपिडिया शिक्षा सम्बन्धी बहुत रास वाह्य विकी कार्यक्रम राजविराज आ मैथिली भाषी बहुल क्षेत्रमे भऽ रहल अहाँक जानकारी होवाक चाही। देशक राजधानीमे मैथिली भाषा प्रति जागरुक कौलेजक विद्यार्थीसभ नै होएत से गप्प कहल नै जा सकैत अछि मुदा अहाँक अनुदान प्रस्ताव देखला पर अहाँ कोनो एक टा भाषा नै समेट विविध परियोजना आ भाषा संलग्न केनए छी। प्रभावकारी रूपसँ कार्यक्रम करवाक लेल कि त अहाँ मैथिली भाषा मात्रे राखि कार्यक्रम आयोजना करी या तँ जे परियोजना अहाँ विद्यार्थी लोकनिसङ्ग उजागर करऽ चाहैत छी ओहि ठाम वार्तालाप चलाबी। अहाँक प्रतिक्रियाक आशा सङ्ग धन्यवाद--Biplab Anand (वार्ता) १४:५५, २२ अप्रैल २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    विकी जागरूकता अभियान, भाग ३ - भिडियो पहल

    विगत दुई वर्ष सँ विकी जागरूकता अभियान आयोजना होएत् अछि सब सक्रिय प्रयोगकर्तासभके जानकारी होबे करत। विकी जागरूकता अभियानके तेसर संस्करणमे भिडियो पहल आयोजना करेके विचार केनए छी। ई परियोजना अन्तर्गत मैथिली आ नेपाली समुदायक किछ अग्रज योगदानकर्तासभक (Community "faces") चयनकऽ, विकिपिडियाके बारेमे जनचेतना आ प्रयोगकर्तासभक सङ्ख्या वृद्धिके उदेश्यसँ दुईटा जनचेतनामूलक छोट भिडियो (२-५ मिनेट) बनेवाक विचार केनए छी। भिडियो समुदायक "चेहरासभ" विकिपिडिया कोना निर्माण कैर रहल छैत आ ई समुदायमे कोना जुडी विषय पर बनाएल जाईत्। परियोजनाके प्रारूप, सदस्यसभमे परिवर्तन, आवश्यक अनुदान, परियोजना पन्ना लगायतके विषयसभपे अपन अमुल्य विचार प्रस्तुत करब से विश्वास आ आत्मबलके साथ ई प्रस्ताव पेश केनए छी। धन्यवाद! — तुलसी भगत योगदान | वार्ता ] २०:४०, ८ मई २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    समुदायक "चेहरासभ" (Community "faces")


    Call for Election Volunteers: 2021 WMF Board elections

    Hello all,

    Based on an extensive call for feedback earlier this year, the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced the plan for the 2021 Board elections. Apart from improving the technicalities of the process, the Board is also keen on improving active participation from communities in the election process. During the last elections, Voter turnout in prior elections was about 10% globally. It was better in communities with volunteer election support. Some of those communities reached over 20% voter turnout. We know we can get more voters to help assess and promote the best candidates, but to do that, we need your help.

    We are looking for volunteers to serve as Election Volunteers. Election Volunteers should have a good understanding of their communities. The facilitation team sees Election Volunteers as doing the following:

    • Promote the election and related calls to action in community channels.
    • With the support from facilitators, organize discussions about the election in their communities.
    • Translate “a few” messages for their communities

    Check out more details about Election Volunteers and add your name next to the community you will support in this table. We aim to have at least one Election Volunteer, even better if there are two or more sharing the work. If you have any queries, please ping me under this message or email me. Regards, KCVelaga (WMF) ११:०६, १२ मई २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    अनुदानक लेल केन्द्रीय नीति निर्माण सम्बन्धमे

    नमस्ते प्रयोगकर्ता लोकनि,
    पूर्व परामर्शक परिणाम स्वरूप अनुदानक विषयमे एकटा साधारण, सभ कियो कऽ लेल पहुँच योग्य आ स्वतन्त्र नीति निर्माण करवाक लेल कृपया अप्पन महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव देल जाए। अहाँसभक सुझावक आधारमे एकटा प्रारूप बनाए पुन: ओकरा समुदाय समक्ष पेश करि मतदान कराएल जाएत। धन्यवाद--Biplab Anand (वार्ता) १९:११, १२ मई २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]


    मैथिली विकिपिडिया समुदायक लेल निर्वाचन स्वयंसेवकक परिचय

    नमस्ते मैथिली प्रयोगकर्ता लोकनि,

    हम सन् २०२१ मे होमए जा रहल विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन न्यासी समितिक निर्वाचन स्वयंसेवक छी। विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन न्यासी समिति पूर्ण रूपसँ विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसनक गतिविधि केर देख रेख करैत अछि। अप्पन समुदायिक सदस्यसभक लेल ई निर्वाचनमे मतदान करि सकैत छी। ई एक स्वयंसेवक दलक रूपमे समिति केर प्रतिनिधित्व, विविधता आ विशेषतामे सुधार करवाक एक अवसर अछि।

    सन् २०२१ विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन न्यासी समितिक निर्वाचन जल्दीए होमए जा रहल अछि आ निर्वाचन स्वयंसेवकक रूपमे हमर जिम्मेवारी अछि जे अहाँ सभ कियो केर एहि सम्बन्धमे जानकारी करेनाए अछि।

    यदि अहाँसभ लग कोनो प्रश्न होए तँ कृपया कएल जाए। धन्यवाद--Nilam ११:४९, २५ मई २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]

    प्रबन्धक गतिविधि समीक्षा वैश्विक नीति चयन सम्बन्धमे

    नमस्ते प्रयोगकर्ता लोकनि, मेटामे रहल वैश्विक नीति प्रबन्धक गतिविधि समीक्षा चयन कर्वाक लेल ई छलफल सुरु केनए छी। ई नीति अन्तर्गत असक्रिय प्रबन्धकसभक (दुई सालमे शून्य सम्पादन और प्रबन्धकीय कार्य) स्टेवार्डद्वारा हर दुई सालमे समीक्षाकऽ पद मुक्त केएल जाइत। कृपया अहाँसब अपन विचार आ मत राखी। धन्यवाद! — तुलसी भगत योगदान | वार्ता ] ०९:४६, २९ मई २०२१ (+0545)[उत्तर दें]
