आकृति:Infobox manuscript
{{{name}}} |
![]() | This template uses Lua: |
[सम्पादन करी]Copy-paste this empty template. Explanations of the parameters is given below. For an infobox template intended specifically for New Testament manuscripts, see Template:Infobox New Testament manuscript.
{{Infobox manuscript <!----------Name----------> | name = | location = <!----------Image----------> | image = | width = | caption = | alt = <!----------General----------> | Also known as = | Type = | Date = | Place of origin = | Language(s) = | Scribe(s) = | Author(s) = | Compiled by = | Illuminated by = | Patron = | Dedicated to = <!----------Form and content----------> | Material = | Size = | Format = | Condition = | Script = | Contents = | Illumination(s) = | Additions = | Exemplar(s) = | Previously kept = | Discovered = | Accession = | Other = | below = }}
Parameter description
[सम्पादन करी]{{{name}}} | |
{{{location}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{width}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
उपनाम | {{{Also known as}}} |
प्रकार | {{{Type}}} |
तिथि | {{{Date}}} |
मूल उत्पति स्थल | {{{Place of origin}}} |
भाषा(सभ) | {{{Language(s)}}} |
लेखक(सभ) | {{{Scribe(s)}}} |
लेखक(सभ) | {{{Author(s)}}} |
सङ्कलनकर्ता | {{{Compiled by}}} |
प्रकाशितकर्ता | {{{Illuminated by}}} |
संरक्षक | {{{Patron}}} |
समर्पण | {{{Dedicated to}}} |
सामग्री | {{{Material}}} |
आकार | {{{Size}}} |
प्रारूप | {{{Format}}} |
स्थिति | {{{Condition}}} |
लिपि | {{{Script}}} |
विषय | {{{Contents}}} |
Illumination(s) | {{{Illumination(s)}}} |
Additions | {{{Additions}}} |
Exemplar(s) | {{{Exemplar(s)}}} |
Previously kept | {{{Previously kept}}} |
खोजकर्ता | {{{Discovered}}} |
परिग्रहण | {{{Accession}}} |
अन्य | {{{Other}}} |
{{{below}}} |
{{Infobox manuscript
| name = <!-- Common name -->
| location = <!-- Library, collection and shelfmark -->
| image = <!-- "file:example.jpg", image appropriate to the manuscript. -->
| width = <!-- image width is set at 225px by default, but may be adjusted if appropriate. -->
| caption = <!-- brief description of image -->
| alt = <!-- alternative text for screen readers etc. -->
| Also known as = <!-- alternative titles which do not belong in the subheader -->
| Type = <!-- e.g. miscellany, codex, gospels, cartulary, charter, letter, etc. -->
| Date = <!-- (approximate) date at which the manuscript was produced -->
| Place of origin = <!-- place of origin/production, e.g. region or monastic house -->
| Language(s) = <!-- language(s) used in the manuscript -->
| Scribe(s) = <!-- [[scribe]] -->
| Author(s) = <!-- author(s) of the text, not necessarily the scribe -->
| Compiled by = <!-- compiler -->
| Illuminated by = <!-- illuminator -->
| Patron = <!-- patron who commissioned the production of the manuscript -->
| Dedicated to = <!-- dedicatee (who may or may not be the same person as the patron) -->
<!----------Form and content---------->
| Material = <!-- e.g. writing surface (vellum, papyrus or paper), type of ink, paint, etc. -->
| Size = <!-- manuscript size; number of pages/leaves/folios; number of gatherings -->
| Format = <!-- e.g. double columns, large quarto -->
| Condition = <!-- e.g. damaged, pages removed, etc. -->
| Script = <!-- e.g. uncial, caroline, etc. -->
| Contents = <!-- general description of contents -->
| Illumination(s) =
| Additions = <!-- e.g. glosses, seals, interpolations -->
| Exemplar(s) = <!-- when appropriate, the manuscript(s) which served as its exemplar(s) -->
| Previously kept = <!-- where, when and by whom the manuscript was previously kept -->
| Discovered = <!-- details on discovery of the manuscripts -->
| Accession = <!-- accession number in the catalogue of the holding institution -->
| Other = <!-- further details -->
| below = <!-- text in bottom cell, intended for footnotes, see-also, and other such information. -->
Infobox for manuscripts (not for New Testament manuscripts)
पैरामीटर | विवरण | प्रकार | स्थिति | |
Name | name | Common name (may use <br/> to include other languages with the appropraite {{lang}}) | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Location | location | Library, collection, and shelfmark/catalogue number
| अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Image | image | Image appropriate to the manuscript with "File:" | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Image width | width | Image width is set at 225px by default, but may be adjusted if appropriate.
| अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Image caption | caption | Brief description of image | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Image alternative text | alt | text that conveys the same essential information as the image; see [[WP:ALT]] | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Also known as | Also known as | Alternative titles which do not belong in the subheader | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Type | Type | e.g. miscellany, codex, gospels, cartulary, charter, letter, etc.
| अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Date | Date | (approximate) date at which the manuscript was produced | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Place of origin | Place of origin | Place of origin/production, e.g. region or monastic house | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Language(s) | Language(s) | Language(s) used in the manuscript | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Scribe(s) | Scribe(s) | कोई विवरण नहीं | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Author(s) | Author(s) | Author(s) of the text, not necessarily the scribe(s) | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Compiler | Compiled by | कोई विवरण नहीं | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Illuminator | Illuminated by | Illuminator, someone who supplements text with decoration | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Patron | Patron | Patron who commissioned the production of the manuscript | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Dedicated to | Dedicated to | Dedicatee (who may or may not be the same person as the patron) | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Material | Material | Writing surface, e.g. vellum, papyrus or paper; and type of ink, paint, etc. | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Size | Size | manuscript size; number of pages/leaves/folios; number of gatherings
| अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Format | Format | e.g. double columns, large quarto | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Condition | Condition | any damaged, pages removed, etc. | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Script | Script | e.g. uncial, caroline, etc. | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Contents | Contents | General description of contents | अज्ञात | सुझावित |
Illumination(s) | Illumination(s) | कोई विवरण नहीं | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Additions | Additions | e.g. glosses, seals, interpolations | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Exemplar(s) | Exemplar(s) | When appropriate, the manuscript(s) which served as its exemplar(s) | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Previously kept | Previously kept | where, when and by whom the manuscript was previously kept | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Discovered | Discovered | details on discovery of the manuscripts | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Accession | Accession | accession number in the catalogue of the holding institution | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Other | Other | Further details | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |
Footnotes | below | text in bottom cell, intended for footnotes, see-also, and other such information. | अज्ञात | वैकल्पिक |