प्रयोगकर्ता वार्ता:IamTrendsetter
नमस्कार! ![]() IamTrendsetter जी, समस्त विकिपिडिया समुदायके तरफसँ अहाँके मैथिली विकिपिडियामे हार्दिक स्वागत अछि । विकिपिडिया एक मुक्त विश्वकोश छी जे सब कोइ लिख सकए छी ।
आऊ हम सभ मिलकए मैथिली विकिपिडियाके विश्वके अन्य मुख्य भाषा जोंका एकरो बृहत बनावए छी ।
धन्यवाद ! -- बिप्लब आनन्द (वार्ता) १४:५२, २ दिसंबर २०१४ (NPT)
महिला सम्पादनथन २०१६ सम्बन्धमे
[सम्पादन करी]![]() | मैथिली विकिपिडियामे मार्च ०२, २०१६ सँ मार्च ०८, २०१६ धरि सात दिनक लेल नारी सम्मानमे समर्पित महिला सम्पादनथन २०१६ प्रतियोगिता सुरू होमए जा रहल अछि, सहभागिताक लेल
सहभागीता सूचीमे अपन नाम दर्ता करी । आर जानकारीक लेल
महिला सम्पादनथन २०१६ देखी । धन्यवाद ! | ![]() |
समीक्षा निवेदन
[सम्पादन करी]नमस्ते सम्पादक मित्र,
मैथिली विकिपिडियामे प्रबन्धक पदक लेल एक मानक नीति प्रस्ताव केनए छी एतय जा अपन मत प्रदान करि निर्णयमे सहायता करी। --बिप्लब आनन्द (वार्ता)
विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना २०१६ मे स्वागत अछि !
[सम्पादन करी]
शुभ प्रभात सम्पादक मित्रसभ विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिनाक शुरूवात भऽ चुकल अछि । ई कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धी किछ जानकारी निम्न बमोजिम रहल अछि।
- अहाँद्वारा निर्माण कएल लेखके ई उपकरण मार्फत पेश करी । कृपया उपर दाहिनादिस 'लग इन'मे दाबी आ OAuth बाँकी काज कऽ देत । अहाँ ई उपकरणक इन्टरफेसके अपन भाषामे सेहो उपर दाहिनादिस सँ परिवर्तन करि सकैत छी ।
- अहाँद्वारा निर्माण कएल लेख पेश करलाक पश्चात उक्त उपकरण लेखमे एकटा आकृति थप करि देत तथा आयोजकसभ ओ लेखके पूनरावलोकनक लेल आवश्यक चिन्ह समेत थप करि देत । अहाँ अपन प्रगतीके ई उपकरणक प्रयोगसँ देख सकैत छी, जे अहाँक द्वारा निर्मित कतेक लेख स्विकारयोग्य अछि से देखाबत ।
- सहभागीसभ मे सँ जकर ४ स्विकारयोग्य लेख होइत ओ प्रयोगकर्ताके विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिना पोस्टकार्ड प्राप्त होइत । यदि अहाँ १५ टा स्विकारयोग्य लेख निर्माण करबै तहन विशेष पोस्टकार्ड प्राप्त करबै । मैथिली विकिपिडियामे सर्वाधिक स्विकारयोग्य लेख तयार करनिहार विकिपिडियनके "विकिपिडिया एसियाली राजदुत"क रूपमे सम्मान कएल जाइत आ निजके पोस्टकार्डक अलावा हस्ताक्षर सहितक प्रमाणपत्र समेत प्रदान कएल जाइत ।
- यदि अहाँके उपकारणक पहुँचमे कोनो किसिमक समस्या भेलापर अहाँ ई पृष्ठमे रहल अहाँक अपन प्रयोगकर्ता नाम संग पेश करि सकैत छी।
- यदि अहाँक कोनो प्रश्न अछि, तहन अहाँ प्रश्नउत्तर पृष्ठ देख सकैत छी वा विकिपिडिया एसियाली महिनाक वार्ता पृष्ठमे अपन प्रश्न पुइछ सकैत छी ।
कृपया नोट करी १ नवम्बर २०१६ सँ ३० नवम्बर २०१६ (UTC) धरि कएल सम्पादन मात्र गणना होइत ।
आयोजकक तरफसँ -- G10dra ») १३:२८, ३ नवम्बर २०१६ (NPT)
मैथिली विकिपिडिया मिसन १० मे स्वागत अछि !
[सम्पादन करी]
नमस्ते, सम्पादक मित्रसभ मैथिली विकिपिडिया मिसन १०क शुरूवात भऽ चुकल अछि । ई कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धी किछ जानकारी निम्न बमोजिम रहल अछि।
- अहाँद्वारा निर्माण कएल लेखके ई उपकरण मार्फत पेश करी । कृपया उपर दाहिनादिस 'लग इन'मे दाबी आ OAuth बाँकी काज कऽ देत । अहाँ ई उपकरणक इन्टरफेसके अपन भाषामे सेहो उपर दाहिनादिस सँ परिवर्तन करि सकैत छी ।
- अहाँद्वारा निर्माण कएल लेख पेश करलाक पश्चात उक्त उपकरण लेखमे एकटा आकृति थप करि देत तथा आयोजकसभ ओ लेखके पूनरावलोकनक लेल आवश्यक चिन्ह समेत थप करि देत । अहाँ अपन प्रगतीके ई उपकरणक प्रयोगसँ देख सकैत छी, जे अहाँक द्वारा निर्मित कतेक लेख स्विकारयोग्य अछि से देखाबत ।
- सहभागीसभ मे सँ जकर सभसँ बेसी स्विकारयोग्य लेख होइत ओ प्रयोगकर्ताके मैथिली विकिपिडिया मिसन १० पुरस्कार प्राप्त होइत । यदि अहाँ १५०० टा स्विकारयोग्य लेख निर्माण करबै तहन विशेष पुरस्कार प्राप्त करबै । मैथिली विकिपिडियामे सर्वाधिक स्विकारयोग्य लेख तयार करनिहार विकिपिडियनके मैथिली विकिमिडियन्स निर्वाचित प्रयोगकर्ताकऽ रूपमे सम्मान कएल जाइत आ निजके बार्नस्टार अलावा हस्ताक्षर सहितक प्रमाणपत्र समेत प्रदान कएल जाइत ।
- यदि अहाँके उपकारणक पहुँचमे कोनो किसिमक समस्या भेलापर अहाँ ई पृष्ठमे रहल अहाँक अपन प्रयोगकर्ता नाम संग पेश करि सकैत छी ।
कृपया नोट करी १ दिसम्बर २०१६ सँ ३१ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC) धरि कएल सम्पादन मात्र गणना होइत ।
आयोजकक तरफसँ -- मैथिली विकिमिडियन्स समूह
लेख सम्बन्धमे
[सम्पादन करी]किरण जी,
नमस्कार, अहाँद्वारा बनाएल गेल छोट लेखसभ हमर ध्यानाकर्षण करेलक अछि । कृपया ओ लेखसभ तत्काल सुधार करि अन्यथा ओ लेख मेटाएल जाइत ।--बिप्लब आनन्द (वार्ता) १४:४४, २७ दिसम्बर २०१६ (NPT)
मेहनती अलङ्कार
[सम्पादन करी]![]() |
अनवरत मेहनती अलङ्कार | |
किरण जी! मैथिली विकिपिडियामे अनेकौं लेखसभ अनवरत रुपमे सृजना केलौं ताहिकें कदर स्वरुप --☆★राजा उप्रेती (✉✉) १९:२४, ३१ दिसम्बर २०१६ (NPT) |
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
[सम्पादन करी]Hello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future.[survey १] The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. To say thank you for your time, we are giving away 20 Wikimedia T-shirts to randomly selected people who take the survey.[survey २] The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this project. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email to surveys@wikimedia.org.
Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) ०३:४६, १४ जनवरी २०१७ (NPT)
- ↑ This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
- ↑ Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
[सम्पादन करी](Sorry for writing in English)
Hello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 28 February, 2017 (23:59 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We won't bother you again.
About this survey: You can find more information about this project here or you can read the frequently asked questions. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through EmailUser function to User:EGalvez (WMF). About the Wikimedia Foundation: The Wikimedia Foundation supports you by working on the software and technology to keep the sites fast, secure, and accessible, as well as supports Wikimedia programs and initiatives to expand access and support free knowledge globally. Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) ०१:२४, २२ फरबरी २०१७ (NPT)
विचार आ समीक्षाक लेल अनुरोध
[सम्पादन करी]प्रिय मैथिल विकिपिडियन मित्र लोकनि, मैथिली विकिपिडियाक चबुतरामे भऽ रहल चर्चा मे भाग ली ।--बिप्लब आनन्द ११:०९, ३ मार्च २०१७ (NPT)
महिला सम्पादनथन २०१७
[सम्पादन करी]![]() | मैथिली विकिपिडियामे मार्च ०६, २०१७ सँ मार्च ०८, २०१७ धरि तिन दिनक लेल नारी सम्मानमे समर्पित महिला सम्पादनथन २०१७ प्रतियोगिता सुरू होमए जा रहल अछि, सहभागिताक लेल
सहभागीता सूचीमे अपन नाम दर्ता करी आर जानकारीक लेल
महिला सम्पादनथन २०१७ देखी । धन्यवाद ! | ![]() |
Mediawiki Awareness and Training in Indic Projects
[सम्पादन करी]
Hi there !
Jay Prakash is founder of this idea and Tulsi Bhagat (me) is supporting the program as being volunteer of it. The idea is that to make MediaWiki awareness in our Indic Language Project. Not only among Indic Language Project wikip(m)edians but also for an individual who is interested to deal on Phabricator and gerrit. This will be mostly conducted in Hindi and mostly training will be done on online via Google Hangouts.
[सम्पादन करी]- Create awareness about MediaWiki.
- Volunteers empowerment on Tech field.
- Create and grow tech leadership in Indic Projects.
- Promotion of Mediawiki, Extensions, Phabricator and Gerrit.
- Make Language Community to self-reliable for Wikimedia Sites Request.
If you're interested to take part in then feel free to add your name and required details about you on Membership page. Let me tell you one thing more, Maximum members will be 8 to 10. So that hurry up slowly and register yourself. After membership, we will be back to you soon regarding the time and other details about the program. Thanks for your consideration ! — Tulsi Bhagat (talk) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ०९:३१, १० फरबरी २०१८ (NPT)
1st session - MWATIP
[सम्पादन करी]
Hi again !
You've shown great enthusiasm about Mediawiki Awareness and Training in Indic Projects. Thank you for registering yourself. Let me tell you, MWATIP is going to be online tomorrow i.e. 1st session at 9:30 am to 10:30 am (NPT). You can connect with us via link: google hangouts. Sorry for the short notice. Please join with us ! Support Mediawiki. Thanks for your consideration ! — Tulsi Bhagat (talk) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:३२, १० फरबरी २०१८ (NPT)
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मातृभाषा दिवस सम्पादनथन प्रतियोगिता
[सम्पादन करी]नमस्ते मैथिली विकिपिडिया मित्रसभ,
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मातृभाषा दिवसक उपलक्ष्यमे हम मैथिली विकिपिडियामे ३ दिनक (२१ फरबरी सँ २३ फरबरी) धरिक सम्पादनथन प्रतियोगिता सञ्चालन करवाक लेल चबुतरा उपर एक प्रस्ताव करैत छी । ई प्रतियोगिता अवधिमे विश्वक भाषा, भाषा परिवार सँ सम्बन्धित लेख निर्माण कएल जाइत । कृपया अपन मत राखी । धन्यवाद-- Biplab Anand (वार्ता)
मातृभाषा सम्पादनथन
[सम्पादन करी]
नमस्ते मैथिली विकिपिडियन जी,
कृपया मैथिली विकिपिडियामे होमए जा रहल विकिपिडिया:मातृभाषा सम्पादनथन प्रतियोगितामे अपन सहभागिता जनाएल जाए ।
विकि लभ इन्दिभिडुल
[सम्पादन करी]
जय श्री नरसिंह मैथिली विकिपिडियन मित्र !
विकि लभ इन्दिभिडुल (Wiki Loves Individual) नामक एक नयाँ परियोजनाक विचार केनए छी । ई परियोजनाक बारेमे एतह जा अपन विचार, शुभकामना आ समर्थन प्रस्तुत करी । धन्यवाद ! तुल्सी भगत (वार्तालाप) —MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:५५, २१ फरबरी २०१८ (NPT)
विकि लभ्स विमिन २०१९ मे सहभागिताक लेल
[सम्पादन करी]
नमस्ते IamTrendsetter जी,
कृपया मैथिली विकिपिडियामे भऽ रहल विकिपिडिया:विकी लभ्स विमिन २०१९ प्रतियोगितामे अपन सहभागिता जनाएल जाए आ बेसी सँ बेसी लेखकें निर्माण करऽमे सहयोग करी। धन्यवाद--Nilam Karn
Wikicamp Nepal 2018/19
[सम्पादन करी]Hello IamTrendsetter,
Sorry for writing in English.
We are glad, you are the part of WCN2018. So, you are WCNian. Congratulations! \o/
The Wikicamp Nepal team is currently discussing on the value and planning process of Wikicamp Nepal 2018/19, and is open until 31 May 2019. The goals are to (1) build a shared understanding of the value of Wikicamp Nepal to help guide camp planning and evaluation, and (2) gather broad community input on what new form(s) Wikicamp Nepal 2019 could take.
We'd like to hear from you on this multilingual survey form. Select your language and please send us your response!
If you have any question(s), feel free to contact: wikicampnepal[at]gmail.com or leave a message at: Talk:Wikicamp Nepal 2018. Kindly help us spread and translate this message!
Many thanks,
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk),
WCN2018 Organizing Team; Message sent using MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १०:२८, १७ मई २०१९ (NPT)
Wiki Loves Women South Asia Barnstar Award
[सम्पादन करी]![]() |
![]() Greetings! Thank you for contributing to the Wiki Loves Women South Asia 2020. We are appreciative of your tireless efforts to create articles about Women in Folklore on Wikipedia. We are deeply inspired by your persistent efforts, dedication to bridge the gender and cultural gap on Wikipedia. Your tireless perseverance and love for the movement has brought us one step closer to our quest for attaining equity for underrepresented knowledge in our Wikimedia Projects. We are lucky to have amazing Wikimedians like you in our movement. Please find your Wiki Loves Women South Asia postcard here. Kindly obtain your postcards before 15th July 2020. Keep shining! Wiki Loves Women South Asia Team |
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १९:१२, ५ जुलाई २०२० (+0545)
Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #5
[सम्पादन करी]Hello,
Greetings!! The fifth edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened the registration for participation for this event. If you want to participate in the event, you can register yourself here before 16 February 2021.
There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:३४, ३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)
Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Newsletter #5
[सम्पादन करी]Hello,
Greetings!! The fifth edition of Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 newsletter has been published. We have opened the registration for participation for this event. If you want to participate in the event, you can register yourself here before 16 February 2021.
There are other stories. Please read the full newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe the newsletter, please visit this page.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २३:३८, ३ फरबरी २०२१ (+0545)
विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन सामुदायिक समिति सिट: प्रतिक्रियाक लेल बैठक
[सम्पादन करी]विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन न्यासी समितिद्वारा सन् २०२१ फरबरी १ सँ मार्च १ धरि सामुदायिक चयन प्रक्रियासभक सम्बन्धमे प्रतिक्रियाक लेल बैठकक आयोजना करि रहल अछि। विकिमिडिया फाउन्डेसन आ विकिमिडिया अभियान विगत १० बर्षमे लगभग पाँच गुणासँ वृद्धि भऽ गेल अछि मुदा एकर समिति कऽ संरचना आ प्रक्रियासभ मूल रूपमे पहिने जका अछि। वर्तमान समितिक संरचनामे अप्पनसभक क्षमता, प्रदर्शन, आ अभियानक विविधता अनुसार प्रतिनिधित्व अभाव एकटा समस्याक रूपमे रहल अछि। प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचनक कारण अग्रणी भाषा समुदाय कऽ उम्मेदवारसभक पक्ष लैत आएल अछि आओर ओकरसभक सीप आ अनुभवद्वारा समिति सदस्यक रूपमे सेवा देनाए कतेक सान्दर्भिक भऽ सकैत अछि या समितिक विशिष्ट उत्तरदायित्वसभ निर्वाह करवाक क्षमतामे योगदान पहुँचा रहल अछि। तथ्यसभ देखला पर वर्तमान प्रक्रियासभ उत्तर अमेरिका आ पश्चिम युरोपक स्वयंसेवकसभक पक्ष लेनए अछि। वास्तवमे एखन धरि, दक्षिण एसियासँ इतिहासमे एक गोटे सदस्य मात्र समितिमे स्थान बनाबऽमे सफल भऽ सकल अछि।
आबऽ वला महिनामे हमसभ तीन सामुदायिक सिटसभ नवीकरण करऽ जा रहल छी आ नबका सिटमे तीन टा आओर समुदायिक सदस्यसभ नियुक्त करवाक अछि। ई प्रतिक्रियात्मक बैठकमे हमसभ सभ कियो मिल हमसभ अभियानकेँ कोना प्रतिनिधित्व करवाक अछि आ अनुभव, सीप, आओर विश्वासक साथ अन्तरदृष्टिसहित तयार भेल उम्मेदवारसभ चुनाव करवाक प्रारूप रेखा तयार कऽ सकैत छी? एकर विषयमे प्रस्तावित विचारसभ उपर छलफल करऽ लेल आ हमसभ अप्पन विचारसभ साझा करऽ लेल, प्रतिक्रिया देबऽ कऽ लेल आओर प्रक्रियामे योगदान देबऽकऽ लेल सामुदायिक वार्तालाप केनाए उत्तम होएत अछि। एहि विषयमे वार्तालाप करऽ लेल हमसभ एहि मार्च १३ केँ साँझ ८ बजे सँ ९ बजेधरि बैठक आयोजित भऽ रहल अछि। बैठक कऽ सूत्र निम्नलिखित अछि: https://meet.google.com/ugf-xyyk-ifi
नेपालसँ सम्बन्धित भाषासभमे योगदान पहुँचा रहल सम्पूर्ण भाषाक विकिपिडियन आ विकिमिडियनकेर ई बैठकमे अप्पन विचार राखऽकऽ लेल स्वागत कएल जाएत अछि। धन्यवाद, User:KCVelaga (WMF), ११:५१, ७ मार्च २०२१ (+0545)
महत्वपूर्ण सामुदायिक वार्तालापमे सहभागिताक लेल आह्वान
[सम्पादन करी]नमस्ते, आदरणीय मैथिली विकिपिडिया सम्पादनकर्ता मित्र लोकनि
मैथिली विकिपिडियाक चबुतरामे महत्वपूर्ण सामुदायिक वार्तालाप भऽ रहल अछि। कृपया सहभागी भऽ अप्पन महत्वपूर्ण मत राखी। धन्यवाद
First Newsletter: Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022
[सम्पादन करी]Dear Wikimedian,
We are glad to inform you that the second iteration of Wikimedia Wikimeet India is going to be organised in February. This is an upcoming online wiki event that is to be conducted from 18 to 20 February 2022 to celebrate International Mother Language Day. The planning of the event has already started and there are many opportunities for Wikimedians to volunteer in order to help make it a successful event. The major announcement is that submissions for sessions has opened from yesterday until a month (until 23 January 2022). You can propose your session here. For more updates and how you can get involved in the same, please read the first newsletter
If you want regular updates regarding the event on your talk page, please add your username here. You will get the next newsletter after 15 days. Please get involved in the event discussions, open tasks and so on.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २०:२१, २४ दिसम्बर २०२१ (+0545)
On behalf of User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
First Newsletter: Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022
[सम्पादन करी]Dear Wikimedian,
We are glad to inform you that the second iteration of Wikimedia Wikimeet India is going to be organised in February. This is an upcoming online wiki event that is to be conducted from 18 to 20 February 2022 to celebrate International Mother Language Day. The planning of the event has already started and there are many opportunities for Wikimedians to volunteer in order to help make it a successful event. The major announcement is that submissions for sessions has opened from yesterday until a month (until 23 January 2022). You can propose your session here. For more updates and how you can get involved in the same, please read the first newsletter
If you want regular updates regarding the event on your talk page, please add your username here. You will get the next newsletter after 15 days. Please get involved in the event discussions, open tasks and so on.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १३:२०, २५ दिसम्बर २०२१ (+0545)
On behalf of User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
Second Newsletter: Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022
[सम्पादन करी]Dear Wikimedian,
Happy New Year! Hope you are doing well and safe. It's time to update you regarding Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022, the second iteration of Wikimedia Wikimeet India which is going to be conducted in February. Please note the dates 18 to 20 February 2022 of the event. The submissions has opened from 23 December until 23 January 2022. You can propose your session here. We want a few proposals from Indian communities or Wikimedians. For more updates and how you can get involved in the same, please read the second newsletter
If you want regular updates regarding the event on your talk page, please add your username here. You will get the next newsletter after 15 days. Please get involved in the event discussions, open tasks and so on.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ११:२९, ८ जनवरी २०२२ (+0545)
On behalf of User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
Second Newsletter: Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022
[सम्पादन करी]Dear Wikimedian,
Happy New Year! Hope you are doing well and safe. It's time to update you regarding Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2022, the second iteration of Wikimedia Wikimeet India which is going to be conducted in February. Please note the dates 18 to 20 February 2022 of the event. The submissions has opened from 23 December until 23 January 2022. You can propose your session here. We want a few proposals from Indian communities or Wikimedians. For more updates and how you can get involved in the same, please read the second newsletter
If you want regular updates regarding the event on your talk page, please add your username here. You will get the next newsletter after 15 days. Please get involved in the event discussions, open tasks and so on.
MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ११:४९, ८ जनवरी २०२२ (+0545)
On behalf of User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
Invitation to Rejoin the Healthcare Translation Task Force
[सम्पादन करी]
You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 13 August 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 August 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- From the editor: Beta version of signpost.news now online
- News and notes: You like RecentChanges?
- In the media: Taking it sleazy
- Recent research: The five barriers that impede "stitching" collaboration between Commons and Wikipedia
- Draftspace: Bad Jokes and Other Draftspace Novelties
- Humour: The Dehumourification Plan
- Traffic report: Raise your drinking glass, here's to yesterday
CIS-A2K Newsletter August 2023
[सम्पादन करी]
Please feel free to translate it into your language.

Dear Wikimedian,
CIS-A2K has successfully concluded numerous activities in August. Consequently, our monthly newsletter, summarizing the previous month's highlights, is prepared for distribution. We have diligently included details of the conducted events and activities in this newsletter, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all pertinent information.
- Conducted events
- Call with Leadership Development Working Group
- Wikimedia workshop in Goa University
- Wikimedia & digitisation sessions in 150 year old libraries at Kolhapur and Satara
- Review visits to Vigyan Ashram and Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir
- Preliminary meeting on Indic Wikisource Hub
Please find the Newsletter link here.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १६:५५, ७ सितम्बर २०२३ (+0545)
The Signpost: 16 September 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: "Just flirting", going Dutch and Shapps for the defence?
- Obituary: Nosebagbear
- Featured content: Catching up
- Traffic report: Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic
The Signpost: 3 October 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Wikimedia Endowment financial statement published
- Recent research: Readers prefer ChatGPT over Wikipedia; concerns about limiting "anyone can edit" principle "may be overstated"
- Featured content: By your logic,
- Poetry: "The Sight"
A2K Monthly Newsletter for September 2023
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
In September, CIS-A2K successfully completed several initiatives. As a result, A2K has compiled a comprehensive monthly newsletter that highlights the events and activities conducted during the previous month. This newsletter provides a detailed overview of the key information related to our endeavors.
- Conducted events
- Learning Clinic: Collective learning from grantee reports in South Asia
- Relicensing and Digitisation workshop at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal
- Relicensing and Digitisation workshop at Sayajirao Gaekwad Research Centre, Aurangabad
- Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 Outreach in Telangana
- Mula Mutha Nadi Darshan Photography contest results and exhibition of images
- Train The Trainer 2023
Please find the Newsletter link here.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २१:३८, १० अक्टुबर २०२३ (+0545)
The Signpost: 23 October 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Where have all the administrators gone?
- In the media: Thirst traps, the fastest loading sites on the web, and the original collaborative writing
- Gallery: Before and After: Why you don't need to know how to restore images to make massive improvements
- Featured content: Yo, ho! Blow the man down!
- Traffic report: The calm and the storm
- News from Diff: Sawtpedia: Giving a Voice to Wikipedia Using QR Codes
The Signpost: 6 November 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- Arbitration report: Admin bewilderingly unmasks self as sockpuppet of other admin who was extremely banned in 2015
- In the media: UK gov bigwig accused of ripping off WP articles for book, Wikipedians accused of being dicks by a rich man
- Opinion: An open letter to Elon Musk
- WikiCup report: The WikiCup 2023
- News from Wiki Ed: Equity lists on Wikipedia
- Recent research: How English Wikipedia drove out fringe editors over two decades
- Featured content: Like putting a golf course in a historic site.
- Traffic report: Cricket jumpscare
A2K Monthly Newsletter for October 2023
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
In the month of October, CIS-A2K achieved significant milestones and successfully concluded various initiatives. As a result, we have compiled a comprehensive monthly newsletter to showcase the events and activities conducted during the preceding month. This newsletter offers a detailed overview of the key information pertaining to our various endeavors.
- Conducted events
- Image Description Month in India
- WikiWomen Camp 2023
- WWC 2023 South Asia Orientation Call
- South Asia Engagement
- Wikimedia Commons session for Birdsong members
- Image Description Month in India Training Session
Please find the Newsletter link here.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ११:११, ७ नवम्बर २०२३ (+0545)
The Signpost: 20 November 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: Propaganda and photos, lunatics and a lunar backup
- News and notes: Update on Wikimedia's financial health
- Traffic report: If it bleeds, it leads
- Recent research: Canceling disputes as the real function of ArbCom
- Wikimania: Wikimania 2024 scholarships
The Signpost: 4 December 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: Turmoil on Hebrew Wikipedia, grave dancing, Olga's impact and inspiring Bhutanese nuns
- Disinformation report: "Wikipedia and the assault on history"
- Comix: Bold comics for a new age
- Essay: I am going to die
- Featured content: Real gangsters move in silence
- Traffic report: And it's hard to watch some cricket, in the cold November Rain
- Humour: Mandy Rice-Davis Applies
A2K Monthly Report for November 2023
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
CIS-A2K wrapped up several initiatives in November, and we've compiled a detailed monthly newsletter highlighting the events and activities from the past month. This newsletter provides a comprehensive overview of key information regarding our diverse endeavors.
- Conducted events
- Heritage Walk in 175 year old Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir library
- 2023 A2K Needs Assessment Event
- Train The Trainer Report
Please find the Newsletter link here.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here. Regards, MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ११:४०, ११ दिसम्बर २०२३ (+0545)
The Signpost: 24 December 2023
[सम्पादन करी]- Special report: Did the Chinese Communist Party send astroturfers to sabotage a hacktivist's Wikipedia article?
- News and notes: The Italian Public Domain wars continue, Wikimedia RU set to dissolve, and a recap of WLM 2023
- In the media: Consider the humble fork
- Discussion report: Arabic Wikipedia blackout; Wikimedians discuss SpongeBob, copyrights, and AI
- In focus: Liquidation of Wikimedia RU
- Technology report: Dark mode is coming
- Recent research: "LLMs Know More, Hallucinate Less" with Wikidata
- Gallery: A feast of holidays and carols
- Comix: Lollus lmaois 200C tincture
- Crossword: when the crossword is sus
- Traffic report: What's the big deal? I'm an animal!
- From the editor: A piccy iz worth OVAR 9000!!!11oneone! wordz ^_^
- Humour: Guess the joke contest
A2K Monthly Report for December 2023
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
In December, CIS-A2K successfully concluded various initiatives, and we have curated an in-depth monthly newsletter summarizing the events and activities of the past month. This newsletter offers a comprehensive overview of key information, showcasing our diverse endeavors.
- Conducted events
- Digital Governance Roundtable
- Indic Community Monthly Engagement Calls: Wikimania Scholarship Call
- Indic Wikimedia Hackathon 2023
- A2K Meghalaya Visit Highlights: Digitization and Collaboration
- Building Bridges: New Hiring in CIS-A2K
- Upcoming Events
- Upcoming Call: Disinformation and Misinformation in Wikimedia projects
Please find the Newsletter link here.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १२:४२, १२ जनवरी २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 10 January 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- From the editor: NINETEEN MORE YEARS! NINETEEN MORE YEARS!
- Special report: Public Domain Day 2024
- Technology report: Wikipedia: A Multigenerational Pursuit
- News and notes: In other news ... see ya in court!
- WikiProject report: WikiProjects Israel and Palestine
- Obituary: Anthony Bradbury
- Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2023
- Comix: Conflict resolution
The Signpost: 31 January 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Wikipedian Osama Khalid celebrated his 30th birthday in jail
- Opinion: Until it happens to you
- Disinformation report: How paid editors squeeze you dry
- Recent research: Croatian takeover was enabled by "lack of bureaucratic openness and rules constraining [admins]"
- Traffic report: DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down
A2K Monthly Report for January 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
In January, CIS-A2K successfully concluded several initiatives, and we are pleased to present a comprehensive monthly newsletter summarizing the events and activities of the past month. This newsletter provides an extensive overview of key information, highlighting our diverse range of endeavors.
- Conducted Events
- Roundtable on Digital Cultures
- Discussion on Disinformation and Misinformation in Wikimedia Projects
- Roundtable on Digital Access
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) ०१:०३, १० फरबरी २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 13 February 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Wikimedia Russia director declared "foreign agent" by Russian gov; EU prepares to pile on the papers
- Disinformation report: How low can the scammers go?
- Serendipity: Is this guy the same as the one who was a Nazi?
- Traffic report: Griselda, Nikki, Carl, Jannik and two types of football
- Crossword: Our crossword to bear
- Comix: Strongly
The Signpost: 2 March 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Wikimedia enters US Supreme court hearings as "the dolphin inadvertently caught in the net"
- Recent research: Images on Wikipedia "amplify gender bias"
- In the media: The Scottish Parliament gets involved, a wikirace on live TV, and the Foundation's CTO goes on record
- Obituary: Vami_IV
- Traffic report: Supervalentinefilmbowlday
- WikiCup report: High-scoring WikiCup first round comes to a close
A2K Monthly Report for February 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
In February, CIS-A2K effectively completed numerous initiatives, and we are delighted to share a detailed monthly newsletter encapsulating the events and activities from the previous month. This newsletter offers a thorough glimpse into significant updates, showcasing the breadth of our varied undertakings.
- Collaborative Activities and Engagement
- Telugu Community Conference 2024
- International Mother Language Day 2024 Virtual Meet
- Wiki Loves Vizag 2024
- Reports
- Using the Wikimedia sphere for the revitalization of small and underrepresented languages in India
- Open Movement in India (2013-23): The Idea and Its Expressions Open Movement in India 2013-2023 by Soni
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १९:५८, १८ मार्च २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 29 March 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- Technology report: Millions of readers still seeing broken pages as "temporary" disabling of graph extension nears its second year
- Recent research: "Newcomer Homepage" feature mostly fails to boost new editors
- Traffic report: He rules over everything, on the land called planet Dune
- Humour: Letters from the editors
- Comix: Layout issue
A2K Monthly Report for March 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
A2K is pleased to present its monthly newsletter for March, highlighting the impactful initiatives undertaken by CIS-A2K during the month. This newsletter provides a comprehensive overview of the events and activities conducted, giving you insight into our collaborative efforts and engagements.
- Collaborative Activities and Engagement
- Monthly Recap
- She Leads Program (Support)
- WikiHour: Amplifying Women's Voices (Virtual)
- Wikimedia India Summit 2024
- Department of Language and Culture, Government of Telangana
- From the Team- Editorial
- Comic
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १८:०४, ११ अप्रैल २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 25 April 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: Censorship and wikiwashing looming over RuWiki, edit wars over San Francisco politics and another wikirace on live TV
- News and notes: A sigh of relief for open access as Italy makes a slight U-turn on their cultural heritage reproduction law
- WikiConference report: WikiConference North America 2023 in Toronto recap
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Newspapers (Not WP:NOTNEWS)
- Recent research: New survey of over 100,000 Wikipedia users
- Traffic report: O.J., cricket and a three body problem
A2K Monthly Report for April 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We are pleased to present our monthly newsletter for April, highlighting the impactful initiatives undertaken by CIS-A2K during the month. This newsletter provides a comprehensive overview of the events and activities conducted, giving you insight into our collaborative efforts and engagements.
- In the Limelight- Chandan Chiring
- Monthly Recap
- Commons:Tribal Culture Photography Competition
- m:CIS-A2K/Events/Indic Community Monthly Engagement Calls/April 12, 2024 Call
- Wikipedia Training to Indian Language educators
- m:Wiki Explores Bhadrachalam
- Wikimedia Summit
- From the Team- Editorial
- Comic
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:०९, १४ मई २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 16 May 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Democracy in action: multiple elections
- Special report: Will the new RfA reform come to the rescue of administrators?
- Arbitration report: Ruined temples for posterity to ponder over – arbitration from '22 to '24
- Comix: Generations
- Traffic report: Crawl out through the fallout, baby
The Signpost: 8 June 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- Technology report: New Page Patrol receives a much-needed software upgrade
- Deletion report: The lore of Kalloor
- In the media: National cable networks get in on the action arguing about what the first sentence of a Wikipedia article ought to say
- News from the WMF: Progress on the plan — how the Wikimedia Foundation advanced on its Annual Plan goals during the first half of fiscal year 2023-2024
- Recent research: ChatGPT did not kill Wikipedia, but might have reduced its growth
- Featured content: We didn't start the wiki
- Essay: No queerphobia
- Special report: RetractionBot is back to life!
- Traffic report: Chimps, Eurovision, and the return of the Baby Reindeer
- Comix: The Wikipediholic Family
- Concept: Palimpsestuous
A2K Monthly Report for May 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedians,
We are pleased to present our May newsletter, showcasing the impactful initiatives undertaken by CIS-A2K throughout the month. This edition offers a comprehensive overview of our events and activities, providing insights into our collaborative efforts and community engagements.
- In the Limelight
- Openness for Cultural Heritage
- Monthly Recap
- Digitisation Workshop
- Commons:Tribal Culture Photography Competition
- Wiki Technical Training
- Dispatches from A2K
- Coming Soon
- Future of Commons Convening
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १८:२३, २७ जुन २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 4 July 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: WMF board elections and fundraising updates
- Special report: Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification vote underway, new Council may surpass power of Board
- In focus: How the Russian Wikipedia keeps it clean despite having just a couple dozen administatrors
- Discussion report: Wikipedians are hung up on the meaning of Madonna
- In the media: War and information in war and politics
- Sister projects: On editing Wikisource
- Obituary: Hanif Al Husaini, Salazarov and Hyacinth
- Opinion: Etika: a Pop Culture Champion
- Gallery: Spokane Willy's photos
- Humour: A joke
- Recent research: Is Wikipedia Politically Biased? Perhaps
- Traffic report: Talking about you and me, and the games people play
The Signpost: 22 July 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- Discussion report: Internet users flock to Wikipedia to debate its image policy over Trump raised-fist photo
- News and notes: Wikimedia community votes to ratify Movement Charter; Wikimedia Foundation opposes ratification
- Obituary: JamesR
- Crossword: Vaguely bird-shaped crossword
A2K Monthly Report for June 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We are excited to share our June newsletter, highlighting the impactful initiatives undertaken by CIS-A2K over the past month. This edition provides a detailed overview of our events and activities, offering insights into our collaborative efforts and community engagements and a brief regarding upcoming initiatives for next month.
- In the Limelight- Book Review
- Geographies of Digital Exclusion
- Monthly Recap
- Wiki Technical Training
- Strategy discussion (Post-Summit Event)
- Dispatches from A2K
- Future of Commons
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- Gearing up for Wikimania 2024
- Commons workshop and photo walk in Hyderabad
- Comic
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १२:१०, २६ जुलाई २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 14 August 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: Portland pol profile paid for from public purse
- Discussion report: Twitter marks the spot
- News and notes: Another Wikimania has concluded
- Special report: Nano or just nothing: Will nano go nuclear?
- Opinion: HouseBlaster's RfA debriefing
- Traffic report: Ball games, movies, elections, but nothing really weird
- Humour: I'm proud to be a template
A2K Monthly Report for July 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We are excited to share our July newsletter, highlighting the impactful initiatives undertaken by CIS-A2K over the past month. This edition provides a detailed overview of our events and activities, offering insights into our collaborative efforts and community engagements and a brief regarding upcoming initiatives for next month.
- In the Limelight- NEP Study Report
- Monthly Recap
- Future of Commons
- West Bengal Travel Report
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १४:४८, २८ अगस्त २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 4 September 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: WikiCup enters final round, MCDC wraps up activities, 17-year-old hoax article unmasked
- In the media: AI is not playing games anymore. Is Wikipedia ready?
- News from the WMF: Meet the 12 candidates running in the WMF Board of Trustees election
- Wikimania: A month after Wikimania 2024
- Serendipity: What it's like to be Wikimedian of the Year
- Traffic report: After the gold rush
A2K Monthly Report for August 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedians,
We are excited to present our August newsletter, showcasing the impactful initiatives led by CIS-A2K throughout the month. In this edition, you'll find a comprehensive overview of our events and activities, highlighting our collaborative efforts, community engagements, and a sneak peek into the exciting initiatives planned for the coming month.
- In the Limelight- Doing good as a creative person
- Monthly Recap
- Wiki Women Collective - South Asia Call
- Digitizing the Literary Legacy of Sane Guruji
- A2K at Wikimania
- Multilingual Wikisource
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- Tamil Content Enrichment Meet
- Santali Wiki Conference
- TTT 2024
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:३७, २६ सितम्बर २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 26 September 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- In the media: Indian courts order Wikipedia to take down name of crime victim, and give up names of editors
- Serendipity: A Wikipedian at the 2024 Paralympics
- Opinion: asilvering's RfA debriefing
- News and notes: Are you ready for admin elections?
- Recent research: Article-writing AI is less "prone to reasoning errors (or hallucinations)" than human Wikipedia editors
- Traffic report: Jump in the line, rock your body in time
A2K Monthly Report for September 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We are thrilled to share our September newsletter, packed with highlights of the key initiatives driven by CIS-A2K over the past month. This edition features a detailed recap of our events, collaborative projects, and community outreach efforts. You'll also get an exclusive look at the exciting plans and initiatives we have in store for the upcoming month. Stay connected with our vibrant community and join us in celebrating the progress we’ve made together!
- In the Limelight- Santali Wiki Regional Conference 2024
- Dispatches from A2K
- Monthly Recap
- Book Lover’s Club in Belagavi
- CIS-A2K’s Multi-Year Grant Proposal
- Supporting the volunteer-led committee on WikiConference India 2025
- Tamil Content Enrichment Meet
- Experience of CIS-A2K's Wikimania Scholarship recipients
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- Train-the-trainer 2024
- Indic Community Engagement Call
- A2K at Wikimedia Technology Summit 2024
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २१:०२, १० अक्टुबर २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 19 October 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: One election's end, another election's beginning
- Recent research: "As many as 5%" of new English Wikipedia articles "contain significant AI-generated content", says paper
- In the media: Off to the races! Wikipedia wins!
- Traffic report: A scream breaks the still of the night
- Book review: The Editors
- Humour: The Newspaper Editors
- Crossword: Spilled Coffee Mug
The Signpost: 6 November 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- From the editors: Editing Wikipedia should not be a crime
- In the media: An old scrimmage, politics and purported libel
- Special report: Wikipedia editors face litigation, censorship
- Traffic report: Twisted tricks or tempting treats?
A2K Monthly Report for October 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We’re thrilled to share our October newsletter, featuring the impactful work led or support by CIS-A2K over the past month. In this edition, you’ll discover a detailed summary of our events and initiatives, emphasizing our collaborative projects, community interactions, and a preview of the exciting plans on the horizon for next month.
- In the Limelight
- Dispatches from A2K
- Monthly Recap
- Wikimedia Technology Summit
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- TTT follow-ups
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Regards MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) १७:५५, ८ नवम्बर २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 18 November 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- News and notes: Open letter to WMF about court case breaks one thousand signatures, big arb case declined, U4C begins accepting cases
- News from the WMF: Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Endowment audit reports: FY 2023–2024
A2K Monthly Report – November 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
We’re excited to bring you the November edition of the CIS-A2K newsletter, highlighting our impactful initiatives and accomplishments over the past month. This issue offers a comprehensive recap of our events, collaborative projects, and community engagement efforts. It also provides a glimpse into the exciting plans we have lined up for the coming month. Stay connected with our vibrant community as we celebrate the progress we’ve made together!
- In the Limelight
- Tulu Wikisource
- Dispatches from A2K
- Monthly Recap
- Learning hours Call
- Dandari-Gussadi Festival Documentation, Commons Education Project: Adilabad
- Executive Directors meeting at Oslo
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- Indic Wikimedia Hackathon 2024
- Learning Hours
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Warm regards, CIS-A2K Team MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:३४, १० दिसम्बर २०२४ (+0545)
The Signpost: 24 December 2024
[सम्पादन करी]- From the archives: Where to draw the line in reporting?
- Recent research: "Wikipedia editors are quite prosocial", but those motivated by "social image" may put quantity over quality
- Gallery: A feast of holidays and carols
- Traffic report: Was a long and dark December
Invitation to Participate in the Wikimedia SAARC Conference Community Engagement Survey
[सम्पादन करी]Dear Community Members,
I hope this message finds you well. Please excuse the use of English; we encourage translations into your local languages to ensure inclusivity.
We are conducting a Community Engagement Survey to assess the sentiments, needs, and interests of South Asian Wikimedia communities in organizing the inaugural Wikimedia SAARC Regional Conference, proposed to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
This initiative aims to bring together participants from eight nations to collaborate towards shared goals. Your insights will play a vital role in shaping the event's focus, identifying priorities, and guiding the strategic planning for this landmark conference.
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/en8qSuCvaSxQVD7K6
We kindly request you to dedicate a few moments to complete the survey. Your feedback will significantly contribute to ensuring this conference addresses the community's needs and aspirations.
Deadline to Submit the Survey: 20 January 2025
Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of the Wikimedia SAARC community and fostering regional collaboration. Thank you for your time and valuable input.
Warm regards,
Biplab Anand
A2K Monthly Report – December 2024
[सम्पादन करी]
Dear Wikimedian,
Happy 2025! We are thrilled to share with you the December edition of the CIS-A2K Newsletter, showcasing our initiatives and achievements from the past month. In this issue, we offer a detailed recap of key events, collaborative projects, and community engagement efforts. Additionally, we provide a preview of the exciting plans we have in store for the upcoming month. Stay connected with our dynamic community as we celebrate the progress we’ve made together!
- In the Limelight
- Santali Food Festival
- Dispatches from A2K
- Monthly Recap
- Learning hours Call
- Indic Wikimedia Hackathon 2024
- Santali Food Festival
- Coming Soon - Upcoming Activities
- She Leads Bootcamp
You can access the newsletter here.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, click here.
Warm regards, CIS-A2K Team MediaWiki message delivery (वार्ता) २२:५८, १२ जनवरी २०२५ (+0545)
The Signpost: 15 January 2025
[सम्पादन करी]- From the editors: Looking back, looking forward
- Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2024
- In the media: Will you be targeted?
- Technology report: New Calculator template brings interactivity at last
- Opinion: Reflections one score hence
- Serendipity: What we've left behind, and where we want to go next
- Arbitration report: Analyzing commonalities of some contentious topics
- Humour: How to make friends on Wikipedia
The Signpost: 7 February 2025
[सम्पादन करी]- Recent research: GPT-4 writes better edit summaries than human Wikipedians
- News and notes: Let's talk!
- Opinion: Fathoms Below, but over the moon
- Community view: 24th Wikipedia Day in New York City
- Arbitration report: Palestine-Israel articles 5 has closed
- Traffic report: A wild drive